The Story of.....Why The Battle Is Never Over
Once upon a time, There lived a girl who was bubbling with emotions and strong opinions. Wherever she looked, and she looked hard, Nobody really seemed to understand why she seemed to feel as strongly as she did. They always seemed to see her as a rebel without a cause. The girl however always said one day, you shall see, why the battle is never over! All she wanted was for somebody to look at her and say Yes! I too have felt this way! I too have yearned for the day when we all walk equal unfettered by the shackles of societal expectations, I too have felt enraged at the injustice of it all, where one can't love who they truly want to love, one can't be who they really want to be. I understand the battle is never over! She decided reality was unfair, it was complacent in everyone's despair So she turned to something bigger, something more idealistic where no matter how big the struggle, the ending would always end up happy The m